At a young age, the term ‘Rome wasn’t built in a day’ was commonly expressed in my direction. As in, slow down, take your time, its not going to happen overnight, yada yada yada…. Growing up you come to realize that Rome cannot possibly be built in a day because, frankly, I can’t afford for it to be done that rapidly. As a homeowner, there are several costs associated with keeping the household operating. But there are also those ‘wants’ that you wish to fulfill when the time (and finances) are feasible. I’d love to tell you that you ‘need’ landscape lighting, but generally it only falls under the ‘want’ category. And that means that being budget-conscious is important. I get that. All of us here at Moon Glow get it too. When we create a plan for landscape lighting for your home, we present it in a scalable fashion. Currently we have clients working through the plan, whether they’re in their second year, fifth year, or any point in between, it’s as easy as separating front, back and side yards; or pool area, deck & patio areas; whatever makes sense to your unique property. The benefits are two-fold: the burden of a large purchase is eased, and you can still enjoy some aspect of your outdoors beyond dusk in the meantime. As part of the ‘big picture’ plan we are able to size up the entire process and put in place the correct equipment – transformer & timer – to accommodate all future developments.
How do you envision your plan unfolding? We want to hear all about it!

How High Should Deck Lights Be?
When it comes to placing lights on your deck, where you choose to place them can have a big impact on the